incentivos fiscales para la diversificación

The low taxation of CanariasZEC, an increasing value for the economic diversification of the Canary Islands

ZEC Promoción

Canary Islands.- The Canary Islands within the framework of the European Union (EU), due to their status as an ultra-peripheral region, have regional aid legitimized by the community authorities and the governments of Spain and the Canary Islands to attract business investments from companies that march in island territory driving activities of economic sectors that contribute to the diversification of the productive fabric and generate value-added employment. This tool is the Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC), whose role plays a leading role in advancing job creation, as well as boosting the attraction of activities that are barely implemented in the regional Gross Domestic Product (GDP), even more so in a context of economic recovery and social, where all measures and available resources are required for economic growth, the reactivation of the tourism sector as the main support of the Canarian economy. The taxation of the ZEC is now becoming a… Leer más The low taxation of CanariasZEC, an increasing value for the economic diversification of the Canary Islands

Videjuegos y la ZEC

Finland IGDA celebrates leadership day, a reference in the video games industry, where we participate

ZEC Promoción

Canary Islands.- The Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC) has participated in the online edition of the Leadership Day of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) of Finland (Helsinki), one of the leaders of the video game industry, a sector pointer in the digital economy. Within the framework of this event, the IGDA Mentorship was developed, a session dedicated to virtual networking to establish businesses and expand professional networks with the companies and professionals who gathered at the event.   he special tax conditions offered by the ZEC, by allowing taxation at a reduced rate of 4% on Corporation Tax, is the attraction to develop activities in the audiovisual sector in the Canary Islands such as the development of video games, in addition to others among which Production, post-production, production services, dubbing, photography, advertising, distribution, streaming and animation stand out. For the audiovisual industry, the Archipelago meets all the… Leer más Finland IGDA celebrates leadership day, a reference in the video games industry, where we participate

Incentivos para las energías renovables

As renewable energies and digitalization, two key pillars for the boost of the economy CanariasZEC promotion

ZEC Promoción

Canary Islands.- Renewable energies and digitization are currently two of the fundamental pillars in the economic policy strategy, as reflected in the presentation of the ‘Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for the Spanish Economy’, inspired by the Agenda for Change, in the 2030 Agenda and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. A Plan conceived to unleash the development of a “second great modernization” of the economy and that places the ecological transition and digitization among the lines for growth. There are many activities for which, in both fields, the Archipelago has the added value of a unique tax system: the Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC). An incentive, which includes the Economic and Fiscal Regime (REF) of the Canary Islands, conceived to attract international companies that bet on two of the strategic axes to configure a robust and future-oriented economy in the Islands.   In this sense, this fiscal… Leer más As renewable energies and digitalization, two key pillars for the boost of the economy CanariasZEC promotion