Promoción de los incentivos fiscales de la ZEC en Alemania

CanariasZEC presents its incentives to industrial and manufacturing companies at the Handwerk International Baden-Württemberg

ZEC Promoción

The Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC) will present today its fiscal framework for operating from the Islands in the webinar: ‘Opportunities and conditions for German industrial companies in the Canary Islands’ at the Handwerk International Baden-Württemberg. A technical seminar on those aspects related to the Islands, among which the ZEC will be one of its thematic blocks. In this context, the participating companies will be made aware of the possibilities of an incentive that provides very competitive conditions to operate from the Canary Islands. This intervention is part of the ZEC promotional activities calendar planned for this financial year, focused on attracting international capital and targeting key sectors for the economic diversification of the Islands.

The Handwerk International Baden-Württemberg is a division of the Chamber of Commerce of the Stuttgart region, Germany, representing nearly 135,000 associated companies related to industry and manufacturing. Thanks to digitization, the member companies, mostly SMEs, expand their possibilities by opening up to new markets and managing opportunities or synergies aimed at expanding their business networks, in this case having the Canary Islands as a destination. The Archipelago in its set of opportunities as a business platform, has the added value of an unrivaled low tax regime authorized by the European Commission (EC), which guarantees full legal and tax security in accordance with community guidelines.

In this context, Handwerk International’s foreign trade consultants will advise companies on issues related to the economic environment, legislation, access to international business networks, as well as investments abroad. This webinar is the first of three actions related to the Canary Islands, which are contextualized in the Handwerk International scheduled for 2021.