Mifa animacion la ZEC


ZEC Promoción

Canary Islands. – The participation of the Canary Islands Special Zone (ZEC), together with the Canary Society for Economic Development (Proexca) and the Tenerife Film Commission and Gran Canaria Film Commission in the International Market (MIFA 2020) of the International Du Film Animation Festival (Annency 2020 on line), grouped under the brand of international promotion of the audiovisual sector Canary Islands Film, has left a positive balance regarding the projection and possible future investments. This edition has had a plus, since Japanese animation has focused its attention on the opportunities of the Canary Islands and its fiscal framework for animation productions. It is a meeting with Culture Connect Co., Ltd, a Japanese association aimed at contacting other countries to establish connections to promote business in the sector.

CanariasZEC holds 20 sectoral meetings within the framework of MIFA 2020 on line

In addition, in the online debut of MIFA 2020, a very complete agenda has also been maintained, with twenty B2B meetings, where the projection of the Islands in this field has been highlighted, both in the interest aroused by the particularity of its tax system and the countries of origin with which it has contacted. The meetings were with companies, producers, investors, consultants and distributors in addition to Japan, with countries of the East and the European Union (EU).

As a fact, Japan is one of the world’s epicenters in the sector. According to the figures and trends of the Japanese animation industry, published annually by the Association of Japanese Animations, this industry continues to grow year after year. In its 2019 report, which includes the balance of the previous year, its total value amounts to 2.1814 trillion yen (18.38 trillion euros), an increase of 0.9% compared to 2017. Since 2009, a upward trend, breaking highs every year since 2013, that is, Japanese animation is an unstoppable industry in terms of economic profitability, a country where the foreign market also represents no less than 46.3% of the total weight of the industry of animation.