Sectores y capital acumulado en la Zona Especial Canaria


ZEC Promoción

One interesting fact is regarding the list of companies recorded in the ZEC’s Official Register of Entities (ROEZEC) at the end of last financial year is that, of the 611 companies operating within the ZEC’s framework, 60% of them are related to the service industry, which generates high added value employment in key sectors for economic diversification in the Canary Islands.

Within this sector, ICTs are leaders, having the highest number of companies, as it is the subsector of greater importance, with 133 entities registered. Likewise, the retail trade service sector ranks second to ICTs, with a total of 119 companies.

On the other hand, regarding industry and trade, these sectors are evenly represented, representing 21% and 19% respectively. In terms of capital, it should be noted that 55% of ZEC companies are wholly or partially owned by foreign capital.